Thursday, February 28, 2008

::Jojo:: 10 reasons why I'll NEVER be SKINNY

  1. Its 11.55pm and I'm eating home made curry with toast. (yummmmmy!)
  2. Me thinks all that chilli in the curry will increase my metabolism rate.
  3. Would die for Cheese and anything 'Kantang' (french fries, potato chips, you name it!)
  4. Would be the first to die during war due to the lack of good food. I call it eating depression.
  5. Gets grouchy if my meal is anything less than 'yummy'.
  6. Would NEVER starve myself to look skinny.
  7. Would be termed a man if they say "a way to a man's heart is through his stomach"
  8. I live to eat. Not eat to live.
  9. Thinks about what I'll have for dinner, 5 mins after lunch.
  10. Thinks food is EROTIC. They always seem to scream 'EAT ME!!!!'

So if anyone out there is anorexic or actually dislikes food, please talk to me. Maybe I'll rekindle your relationship with food!! Lol. (ok no laughing matter!)

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