Saturday, February 23, 2008

::Jojo:: Just blabber

L.O.T.D (Look of the day) Forgot which frog-eyed day!

Still in frog-eye mode. The huge shades are my saving grace!! Although I felt a little blind since I wasn't allowed to wear my contact lens yet and I wasn't willing to sacrifice looking like a dork in my glasses. I know. Stupid things women do for vanity. Declared safe at the end of the day. Didn't walk into any walls or fall into train track .. although I was hoping I'll crash into some cutie and get to act like a damsel in distress( with the shades still on and intact of course!)

Anyways it's a Friday and today's my official off day from work. It's Wen's 24th birthday(Gosh time really flies)...exactly 8 months from now it'll be my turn to turn 24! We went to Vienna at United Square for international seafood buffet for lunch with her parents. Still feeling ugly but since I was only gonna be out for lunch I didn't bother with the way I look and just got out in my glasses , white 3/4 sleeve tee and shorts, and my Jimmy Choo bag(can't look too cheap rite!). Of course I didn't take pictures of me but I would have taken pictures of Vienna and the food but typical me...Little Miss Glutton Queen.. got so engrossed in eating I forgot bout taking any pictures at all. Lol. The seafood is quite fresh ...overall pretty good, I'll say 6.5/10... for the lack of variety of savoury desserts!!! Ice cream sucked though.

So after that we went to Junction 8 cause Wen wanted to get a pressie for her sis who's bday was incidentally the next day(cool huh!). I saw the jap. brand KATE there which Serene has high praises for. I couldn't resist but buy 2 out of the 3 palettes they had. It is super affordable too(only $24.50!!) and has very nice presentation. I'm hardly a fan of palettes cause they don't usually appeal to when I say it's's nice ok! Here's the picture of my very modest purchase of the day..

Still contemplating whether I should get the blue shades one although it looked lovely but I hardly use blue tones.

That's all folks!

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