Thursday, February 14, 2008

:: SeReNe Says :: Happy V Day & Happy 13th Bday Penny! =P

My lil V Day surprise pressie... Hubby got me a tiny Funshine Bear and cash! Wahahahhaahahah! I love love love $$$. Shopping!!!!! I didn't get Darling anything though. =(( Sorry honey but no point la. I'm not working now so if I buy you a present, it will be using your money. =/ Makes no sense right?? =x I promise I will buy you a big present when we go to Thailand okie?? (^o ^)b

Ah Nick kachau-ing Darling while he naps... Hmmmmm... (~ _ ~ ';)\

Nicky STILL kachau-ing Honey.................

Darling in Snoozeland...... Mr PIG.

Celebrated Tine's bday a day in advance!~ =)

Well well, was quite a bad day to celebrate Penny's birthday. Valentines' Day! Sakae Sushi was so so so crowded! Gah! I was starving because it was my first meal of the day but fortunately, service was super fast today. *BIG smileZ* Hate hate hate waiting for food. The cashier got on my nerves though! She made us stand at the cashier waiting for 10 whole mins while she stapled away at receipts! WTH? She did not apologize or smiled even once! Stoolpidd MIM. She wanted us to continue waiting but I got assertive. C'mon, me being nice does NOT mean you can take advantage ok???!! *sighZ*

Enough of bad service attitude. Do you people realise that Singaporeans only serve angmohs well??? What the! Don't think too much la. Doesn't mean you suck up to them means you get big fat tips or that you get to marry one ok! Siao! I have been in the service/ beauty industry for almost 10 years. Big tippers are not angmohs. I hate serving Ah Tiongs(made in China) though. That's another story... Some day i promise! LOL!

I AM so so totally stuffed. It's the rice, I tell you!!

This is my favourite ice cream flavour of the moment!! Ben & Jerry's Berry Nice!!!! It's superb!!!! I don't like strawberry ice cream usually but this is goooooooooooooooood. =d It does not come in 1 Pint tubs though. =(((

1 little cup is just not enough for me!!!!!!!! *sighzzZ*

Try it if you have yet to! It's yummilicious~~~

I hope my darling baby sis enjoyed herself today and that she will have many many more birthdays to come! I love u PenPen. =)

psssst Hubby... I know everyday is as sweet as Vday but I just wanna say 'I LOVE U' forever & ever. I'm looking forward to our 5th Valentines' Day. I love you so very much.

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