Thursday, February 7, 2008

:: SeReNe Says :: My Chinese New Year EVE!

Honestly speaking, I think my posts are simply going to be avalanches of photos, photos and MORE photos. And I thought I'm too old to be camwhoring! Thanks to my new LG Viewty, I have rediscovered my love for my face. LOL!!! I'm going to buy more mirrors next or maybe more cameras. Kidding!! I love myself very much but I'm NOT self-obsessed. Not yet anyway. (~ . ~)\

I'm going to click loads of pictures as long as my Viewty don't die on me. *rollZ eyeZ* I swear gadgets have a serious problem with me! From walkmans to discmans to mp3s to my IPOD video, they ALL have problems!!! Okay, I'm sidetracking again. The reason why I'm going to start clicking pics wherever I go again(after so looooong), is simply because I want to have gorgeous pictures of me in my prime/ youth. *sighZ* Afterall, a woman's worth decrease with time. GIVE ME MORE COLLAGEN!!! MASKS!!! LAC TAUT!!!

I used to love the Chinese New Year(CNY) when I was younger. I would be anticipating the reunion dinner and CNY day 1, months before the actual day. I love playing with my cousins, snacking on all the junk food and gambling the night away. But as we grow up, things changed without us knowing. We drifted apart slowly. I'm not half as close to my favourite cousin now. It's sad that growing up changes so much. Or perhaps it's because we are now aware that relationships are not as smooth and perfect as they appear on the surface. I miss those days. I miss being a child.

Oh man! Enough of all the grouses. I promised pictures and pictures there will be!

Eve of CNY

Penny(my youngest sis), Nick(my 2nd younger bro) and I went down to Bugis Village and town to do some last minute shopping, and to meet my Loverboy. (^o ^)b I didn't manage to buy new 80D black stockings!! They are all sold out! =(

PhotobucketOn the way to Bugis, was late(as always) so had to treat Ah Nick to cab!

PhotobucketWhile waiting for Honey to be done with work... Me & Nicky Boy

PhotobucketSeReNe in Denki

PhotobucketCabbing back home to SLEEP!! We were all so tired.. =(

Oooooh!! Darling bought me something...

PhotobucketMy new Chanel Narcisse blush

She joined her fellow sisters in their home soon!
PhotobucketMy blush stash =D I'm STILL on the quest for the PERFECT baby pink flush!

I'm kinda disappointed with Narcisse though. *sad sad* The colour looks oh-so-fab in the pan but so so normal on my cheeks(I tried it on the 1st day of CNY)! I swear my cheaper drugstore blushes look way better! It might be due to the lack of sleep(4.30am-9am) so I'm going to give it another chance tomorrow. *fingerZ crossed*

After an hour of sleep, the cousins arrived, as did our yummy steamboat dinner...

PhotobucketThe 'old' peoples' table. LOL!

PhotobucketThe kiddos'(our) table. My sis, bro and cuzzies.

PhotobucketMy Shuai4 Ge1 cousin and handsome bro(they are going to pay me for this!) =P

PhotobucketWhile waiting for my turn to eat! i looooove steamboat.

PhotobucketThe gambling begins! Tak glam pic of the girls.. =x

PhotobucketNick's very happy with Mommy's money. =P

I caught the 1am show on Ch8(Wo3 Jia1 You3 Zi1 He2 Dong1 Shi1) starring Cecilia Cheung and Louis Koo, and cried my eyes out! Smart right! And tomorrow's a day I wanna look good! Arrrrrgh. Honey was on the phone with me and suggested I put ice on my eyes, and go to bed.

*sighZ* Don't think it really helped though. hmmmm..

Happy New Year Everyone! Good health, good fortune! Gong Xi Fa Cai! And may all us girls look young and pretty forever!!! (^ o -)!!

More photos of CNY Day 1 & 2 to come~ =P

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