Monday, February 18, 2008

::Jojo:: Superbly overdue CNY pics!

Sorry dolls! Been so lazy to post 'em up but finally it's all here.
Was wearing my pink guess shirt and finally wore my hairband for the first time. love the hair band I got from watts in. so bling! hehe. I know. like totally girlified. Can't help it. Ever since I curled my hair I'm so into the whole girlish look. Here are the pics. Enjoy!!

Brother, me and elder sis. Fancy us taking a pic when we lost our way to my uncle's place in tampines! Lol.

In the cabbie on the way to Tampines to visit my maternal aunt.

Me and my favourite little boy in the world. My brother.

Sis and me while we were 'pawrkiau-ing'. With the super cheesy peace sign. Lol. Seemed like the natural thing to do at that time.

Me cousin and his lovely gf. and That's my other cousin in the background. What you're spying at? Lightbulb leh!! Lol. Super extra in the couple's pic.

So basically that was my whole day's event! Lepak-ing (Slacking in malay slang)

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