Wednesday, February 13, 2008

::Jojo says:: My sad sad love story

heartbroken girl

The love that was but isn't,
Like a broken doll on the pavement.
Who may pick up the pieces?
My heart like glass so broken.

So close but far from reach,
Our love a broken bridge.
Here I sit and ponder,
The truth so obvious it bothers.

My heart, still and true
Wish it didn't, yet feels for you
I need to, I want to, I wish to
Let it go, let it go, let you go.

So that was it, my inspiration of sadness.
Was talking with Serene about him yesterday.
Him which I'm referring to is my ex-bf whom I'm still very close friends with. Ok let's give him a name.. lets call him Brownie. LOL.
I know, I should totally cut him out of my life to get over him.
But I can't, because when we were together, he was not just my boyfriend but my confidant and my soulmate and we didn't break off on sour terms. Obviously I still want him in my life. It's pretty much a sad case of one-sided love. What I'll never understand is how and why he could let me go.

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