Thursday, March 6, 2008

::Jojo:: My mortifying experience with a potential Psycho.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Remind me.. why will I NEVER look like MEGAN FOX??? =(
Guess what I had for lunch? 1 filet o fish, strawberry milkshake and 10 chicken nuggets!!! *Proceeds to stick finger in mouth to induce puking... then realise I'll get hungry and eat another 10 more so I stopped.. LOL of course I didnt do that!........* But like seriously, I just have a total problem with laying off the fatty food. Didn't I tell you?? I get orgasmic reactions from looking at food. The more fattening the food the higher chance of an orgasm. LOL!

ANYWAYS! I have to totally blog about this. Something really gross happened to me yesterday! Like totally traumatized. Ok Ok! So I was gonna go home and then i was about to take the escalator down when this dude just cut in front of me as I stepped onto the escalator.. Chink ass of an orh-piang(weird ugly) looking dude with center parted hair (who the f*** does that anymore!)..possibly early 30s, tried having a conversation with me (I think I just died) :

Orh-piang dude: Hi may I know you?
Me: Uh..I don't think so

Orh-piang dude offers his hand for a handshake: I'm Jason, what's your name?
Me reluctantly shook his hand (I'm naturally polite:p):Uh J.

Orh-piang dude: Oh J, maybe I can date you out sometime?
Me hoping this would help: I don't think my boyfriend will like that very much.

Orh-piang dude still doesn't get it!!: Er how bout you give me your number I call you?
Me why the f***ing escalator taking so long to reach the bottom??: I don't think so

Orh-piang dude: Or how bout I give you my number you call me?
Me: That's ok I don't want it
Orh-piang dude:It's ok just key in my number in your phone?
Me: No thanks i won't call you.
Orh-piang dude starts reciting his number: 9xxx x....

Me finally reaches bottom of escalator and made my quick escape!! Thank god he didn't follow or I think I'd just scream or kick him down the next escalator. I felt totally grossed out from shaking his hand. Gawd knows what he touched or did with his hands and I swear I started to feel itchy on my wrist! So I headed straight for the toilet and washed my hands with soap. Hope I killed them germs. EWWWWWWWWW......absolutely mortified.

Why do the cute ones hardly hit on me? Ok fine I know. I'm not that hot. lol. But that's not fair! Guys can think Kelly Osborne is hot??! Like whatever!

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