Wednesday, March 12, 2008

::JOJO:: Gym day + cry for HELP

This is such a rare occassion that I call myself a gym rat (how fitting I'm a rat by chinese zodiac :P). I went to the gym twice today! (Pat my back pls =) Once in the early noon for my personal training session which was a static training and boxing session today (superbly fun!) and then in the evening for some cardio and weights. Megan fox I'm feeling you..I'm getting closer!lol If this keeps up, I think I'll look like her in 4 months time (alottttt of work to be done!)

On another note, I need to cry for help....Stop me! Stop me from shopping!!! For some reason this month I am totally spinning out of control and going on a shopping frenzy! I bought 2 more dresses today, up from the 2 just last friday. Oh wait...and 1 yesterday and 1 more last saturday..yikes. I am officially going for broke.. (P/S: I haven't included everything else I bought other than the dresses =S )

Notice: Dear friends and kind strangers, poor starving kitten over here looking for generous donations. Pls call or email me for my bank account number so you can transfer me some much needed funds. God bless your kind souls!

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