Saturday, March 8, 2008

::JOJO:: Major Hangover

I'm totally swearing off shooters and alcohol!!! well ok for now. I had like the worst hangover today. I slept for 6 hours and then when I woke up, my head was spinning like someone hit me with a bottle type of... and my stomach was feeling queasy so I thought lots of water would be good so i went right ahead and downed a bottle. Like 10 mins later I started to feel more sick and then I headed to the bathroom, bent over like the unglamorous version of the Merlion and started spilling the sick beans.

Felt absolutely horrible but I was supposed to meet Serene so I didn't want to cancel on her (I hardly cancel on pple last min because its so rude!) We had lunch at Din Tai Fung and I wasn't even in the mood to eat. Like hello anyone?? it's Jo the glutton queen not in the mood for food?!! So anyways, just had soup and 2 Xiao Long Bao and I started to feel a little better. Went to city plaza to fix my hair and I was nauseous the whole cab ride. :/ Once I got off I rushed to the toilet and I didn't even have time to close the door before I started throwing up again. (I can't understand how anorexic or bulimic people can vomit after every meal it's gross!!)

After that I started having phobia of food and water but Serene said OJ might cure the hangover so I had that and I think it worked! Well maybe doing my hair was therapeutic too. Lol. Such a bim I know.

Anyways for all you sweet little people out there who's concerned, the glutton queen is well and fine and her appetite is back to normal! =D

P/S: Will add photos from last night soon!

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