Thursday, February 14, 2008

:: SeReNe Says :: Love is something so queer.

After reading Jojo's post, I had this urge to blog but am just not sure what to type! I went through a very rough patch in my love life before I met the love of my life, who is also going to be my future husband! =P

He who is my lover, my best buddy, my boyfriend, my soulmate, my everything. He balances me up in a way that takes me aback, even till now. It has been 3 years but our love and friendship grow stronger by the day. I am not saying that we did not have hard and stormy times but all that just pulled us closer together. I thank GOD for putting him in my life EVERYDAY.

There was a time after my first relationship(this is my second and last *fingerZ crossed*) when I was so down and out. I cried everyday and night, wherever I was, for 3 whole months. I was in an abusive relationship but did not know I had to leave. I believed that he would change. Well...... he kept assuring me that he would. To put things straight, my ex was not physically abusive(not to me anyway. He's scared of my Dad. Gross, cowardy chicken.) but I went through loads of mental, emotional and verbal abuse when I was with him. I did so much research on the topic of ABUSE(when I was completing my Diploma) just to prove to myself that I was right about him being abusive. I have been in brought up in a loving and peaceful household and was SHOCKED when he first started screaming vulgarities(for over 4 hrs. Jojo was on the phone with me then.) at me in Shaw Lido, all because he did not like his new HAIRCUT!! *&&%$^%&^%* Can you imagine what I put up with???? You don't have to tell me how stupid I was then. I'm well aware of that now. BAH!!

Believe it or not, that's not the worst I went through. That happened on our 1st monthsary and was only the tip of the iceberg. I promise a full blown blog entry on his abuse and that very nightmarish relationship someday. I pray that he chances upon this blog. I wish that no other girls fall prey to his angelic, boyish looks. They are so so very misleading, I tell you! I will post up his pic one day. I will.

I have wanted to do a blog entry on my abusive reltionship for ages. But due to so many excuses and reasons, I never did manage to find time for it. But I will do it because I do NOT want to see or hear of other girls going through what I did. Those hellish nine months plus was no doubt the worst of my entire life. It stripped me of my self-confidence, dignity, self-respect and self-love. I walked with my head down wherever I went for 3 entire months after I broke up with him. The break up was without a doubt the smartest decision I have ever made in my life!

I can understand how Jojo feels when she asked me when the right person for her will turn up in her life. It was a question I asked myself repeatedly after that dreadful ex of mine. *pukeZ* I took nearly half a year to recover from that relationship and dated several guy friends after that. Nothing serious, just going for movies, shopping, dinner etc. I begin recovering my self-worth gradually. I noticed how each and every one of them treated me like a precious, porcelain princess, something the ex just failed to do. I am not saying that he was never sweet to me. It's just that it was not constant. Then again, it could be due to that split persona of his.

When I was out with ANY of those guy friends of mine, they respected me and took good care of me. For that, I'm still thankful of. It was then I realised something so important. Please girls, remember this carefully. If your friends can treat you WAY better than your boyfriend. You don't need or want that boyfriend of yours.

I had once thought that Brownie would be the one for Jojo but I guess I was wrong. He loved himself way more than he did her. He loves novelty but nothing stays new forever. Nothing. Every challenge, once met and achieved, would no longer be a challenge. The initial spark and attraction would NEVER last forever. What remains in it's wake is a good strong love, understanding and mutual trust, respect and friendship.

When girls love, they really fall. They love deeply. When guys love, you don't know when that love will disappear. I am not saying that ALL guys are like that(I am sure some girls are worse). Hell! My own father loves my mother with all his heart, mind and soul. That alone is enough to bear testimony. But I cannot deny that I have seen so many men cheating own their wifes /gfs. It's too discouraging.

Jojo deserves nothing but the best and as her bff, I will look out for her as best as I can. The rest will depend on God, fate and herself. I know that some day, she will find someone who loves her for herself, truly and forever. You just have to wait, Jojo. *hugzzZZZ*

For Tristan and I, just like I told him, I guess time will tell. For now, I am still afraid to trust 100% but I am willing to take a chance with this very special person. I am. =)

I still have some pics from CNY that's not up yet! Gotta bring my lil sis for her birthday treat at Sakae tomorrow. *yummy* I have been having Sakae sushi so many time this month already! =/ Did I complain about the service at Heeren's Sakae?? BAD BAD BAD. S-L-O-W. Jojo knows!

I thought I would be able to catch an episode of Hajime No Ippo before bed but nah... too late! I luuuuurvvvvve Ippo Makunouchi!! Gotta be up at 7am to fix breakfast for Hubby! \(^o ^)/

Good night ppl! Happy Happy Valentines' Day!! **smoooochezzZ** Enjoy the day with someone special! Ja!~

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