Thursday, February 21, 2008

::JoJo:: The day I saw a ... ...

I walked around, my feet feeling the cold ceremic floor....dead silence. Desperately trying to search for a sign of life I whispered, "Hello?.....Is anyone around?" answer.. I walked into what seemed like a kitchen and suddenly the whole place started to look really familiar... where was i?? I kept walking right in, my heart pounding with every step... till I reached the end of it where there was a basin. I took a right turn and for a second, I was terrorized into silence by the very sight I saw..

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Monster!!!!!!". As I picked up my courage for a second glance, the very same sight filled me with a consciousness beyond horror. I WAS THAT MONSTER!!! Lol. Once again my imagination has gotten the better of me. totally lame right....but my eye is still so swollen so I have to cage myself at home in solitude from the world. And as you can tell. Horribly bored.. I hate staying at home!!!! IF, I mean IF I'm brave enough , maybe I'll post a picture of my hideousness. just for laughs. Lol. Or maybe when Serene update a post later she'll 'pau toh' me and put up one of it. Have a better day than me guys!

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