Friday, June 20, 2008

::JOJO:: A bit of men and their bollocks. Lol

Guys who say 'I like girls without make up' are a bunch of crap. They give you that whole talk about how they're so into natural beauty I'm almost mistaken they prefer the female gender pre-evolution. Lol ok so that was a dramatic description..... but surely that statement 'I like girls without make up' is hypocrisy in it's most sublimate form.

Here's a few examples , most of which are mens' objects of desire.

Suppose you take them as strangers you meet on the street. Forget bout them being celebrities. Imagine if you were looking at the ones without makeup, would you take a second glance? Compare your answer to looking at the ones with makeup. Now... Would you take a second glance? Why? (Be completely honest ,based on your possible first reaction )

I don't think it's shallow of women to think that they look prettier with makeup, and you can't blame those that can't do without. If it enhances their natural features and make them more presentable and confident, men should appreciate and compliment women who take time to look good. I think men are mistaken that women with makeup = drag queen or porn star look. Takes ALOT of make up to look like that. Men should be more educated about that and stop making the statement 'I like girls without makeup'. It is just plain annoying!!!

If they are so adamant about appreciating natural beauty, maybe they should then start appreciating armpit hair, unruly eyebrows and overgrown *bushes*.
Crude ...but makes sense right???

Monday, June 16, 2008

::JOJO:: My new bf!!!

On a lighter note, I introduce to you..... my hunee bunss.... SEAN FARIS!!!!!

I was allowed at his shooting location today and poor chap was already exhausted when I got there, him working his 10th hour of the day. Still , being the lovely bf that he was , he obligingly posed for my camera. (Though his puppy dog eyes was a trick to get me to kiss him :P)

Here are more pictures of me darling:

Him trying to be serious.

Never for long!! :P

Last scene, 14 hour work day!! Poor Sean!!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now. Like I'm in a dream...
Somebody pinch me please.
Like right now.

Ouch shit. I'm delusional.
Tell me you get it. LOL :P

::JOJO:: Regrets in words.

Regrets are the worst things in life.
It means too late, should have, would have, could have been. Regrets are sad because it means something irreversible has happened and big or small, you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

I have too many... but here's a few that has the greatest impact..

The 'too late' (My biggest regret):
Not spending more time with my mum when she was still around. It's something that will haunt me forever. Everytime I think of it, the thought just induces self-loathing. Why couldn't I have sacrifice more time and shower her with all the love and attention that I could have given? Why couldn't I have stayed more by her side and comforted her in her darkest of days? Does she forgive me for all of these? I can't. Now I try to make up for it by taking care of my little brother and guiding him in life, knowing that was one of her biggest worry and I hope I'm doing her right. Alas I know making up will never be enough.

The 'could have been':
Saying no to a job contract with mediacorppress after my graduation. What the freaking hell was I thinking??!?!?!? Things might have been sweet or at least agreeable (with my paycheck) by now and I would have been moving forward steadily instead of being stranded. Now I'm currently trying to change that by looking for a better job but no luck as yet. Luck? Is that all I can depend on??

The 'should have':
Doing better in my education and realizing the possible impact on my future. Live day to day?? Yea right. Failing to plan sure knocked me hard on the head even up to this moment. If I had done better I would have had windows of opportunities open for me even till now.. Ahh the luxury of choices.

The aftermath:
Rectifying mistakes cost alot more than the prevention of. As a result, Jo's wants and needs are unfulfilled leaving her potentially sad and jaded. Have to work doubly hard to catch up and yet tread ahead with caution. :/

Moral of the story:
The little everyday decisions you make in life can contribute to being the biggest regrets you'll have later.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

::JOJO:: Happiness is shortlived but..

The other day I was eating burger king and I came up with this analogy. After chomping down on my burger and onion rings like i haven't ate for days I started sulking. Then I said to my colleague, "Happiness is shortlived!".

I said that because I anticipated the whole eating process and the taste of the food so much and mostly, the joy of me eating those delicious junk . Yet as fast as my fast food came, it was gone.
Sadly, I cleared what was left of my initial happiness and was about to consider it trash when my colleague said, "hey there's one more onion ring!" So I said, "ahh! but then life is full of surprises."

Well I guess point of me saying all this is that if a person is at their darkest moments, they shouldn't despair, because life is full of surprises at every corner and turn and as much as happiness is short-lived, so is sadness. Period. :P