Sunday, May 25, 2008

::JOJO:: Thai Thai (Part 2)

I miss Thailand!!!

Here are some more pictures to reminisce the sweet culture and streets of thailand.

Not forgetting the food, oh glorious food!!!!

Can't believe she can sleep like that.. in the airport's sky lounge. *rolls eyes*

Last thai meal at the airport's lounge, Not that fantastic sadly.. =(

I like the special orange juice, absolutely refreshing!!

Everywhere she goes, she has something to buy..

Can you believe it? its 20 bht!! less than a dollar to eat those lil fried bites! Tried and tested . Pretty good! Didn't get diarrhoea either. LOL.

Street hawker.. simple living can be so interesting :)

Suanlum night bazaar.

Me love the gyozas!

Having a japanese steamboat lunch..

Mine too!! Love the vintage dress.


Serene's acquisitions! Plus Tristan's.

Our view while eating..

Happy and eager to begin dinner. Yummyyyy!!

In our tuk-tuk. The first time I sat on it, it was a little scary when he did a turn!

Waiting for our cabbie to go to SuanLum night bazaar. =)

Counterfeit Tiffany and Chanels. :P

Basking too.. total opposite from the 'rock' band! haha

Basking on the streets.. =)

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