Monday, June 16, 2008

::JOJO:: My new bf!!!

On a lighter note, I introduce to you..... my hunee bunss.... SEAN FARIS!!!!!

I was allowed at his shooting location today and poor chap was already exhausted when I got there, him working his 10th hour of the day. Still , being the lovely bf that he was , he obligingly posed for my camera. (Though his puppy dog eyes was a trick to get me to kiss him :P)

Here are more pictures of me darling:

Him trying to be serious.

Never for long!! :P

Last scene, 14 hour work day!! Poor Sean!!

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world right now. Like I'm in a dream...
Somebody pinch me please.
Like right now.

Ouch shit. I'm delusional.
Tell me you get it. LOL :P

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