Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today I am blessed because I have food on the table
Without having to beg or steal
Not having to be hungry and have no food
Food that is cooked for me while others survive on leftovers

Today I am blessed because I have shelter over my head
As with every other day of my life
Shelter that keeps me from the rain where poor people stay drenched and shiver
A home that comes with a big cosy bed
A place that keeps me safe from the outside evils of the world

Today I am blessed.
And I hope most people will be too.
That homeless and starving people are getting blessed by the good of others,
Like how I am blessed everyday of my life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Terry Jones: Pastor or IMPOSTER (of the Devil)

Recently what hit the media like a hurricane and all over the world was news about this pastor named Terry Jones who wanted to burn the Muslim Holy book and the funniest thing he said was that the church's goal was "to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical."

What a HYPOCRITE. He should have come up with another excuse or something more convincing. Very dangerous?? How is he keeping his own Christians safe from hatred when he is taunting the millions of muslims? Who is he to judge or burn any other religions' book just because he have his own whacked beliefs? I can't believe that he is a pastor, someone whom many may look to for guidance and prayers. HOW CAN HE LEAD WHEN ALL HE SEES IS HATE??

It is people like this who makes me skeptical of believing in any religion. DONT GET ME WRONG, I JUST DON'T TRUST THE PEOPLE THAT REPRESENT! For me, I do not comprehend certain thoughts or rules that religion practice but I always respect that people have the right to choose what they want to believe or practice. I look at it from a cultural perspective. As with religion, people of different races have different practices, some a little weirder than others but it doesn't give us the authority to mock them or to think that we are better than them. We should accept that we are just different.

With a moment of Hate, creates a moment of Folly and when the emotion of hate blinds people, they do things that are way out of logic. Every religion have had bad people doing bad things but I am sure that it is not what their religion preaches and encourages. I believe most religions teach promotes good behaviours like not cheating on your spouse, not to be greedy and to help those in need. The worst ones are those that use religion as a cover, whenever it feels convenient to so call bring justice to their actions. All these are bullshit and I feel that followers of religious leaders have to be logical and not just follow their guidance blindly. THERE ARE MILLIONS WHO ARE HOMELESS OR DO NOT HAVE THE BASIC NEEDS LIKE SHELTER AND FOOD. Those are the issues we should really concentrate and act on.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Love: The 7th year itch

Is it true that in love, there is something called the 7th year itch? If it is true indeed, I must be feeling it today. Lots of it.

It started when I asked my boyfriend to do me a favor: which was to pick up some traditional malay clothes from our mutual friend's house as I had to wear it to his house tomorrow since it was Hari Raya. He would have been off work half day today and I was to finish only at 8.30pm and wanted to hit the gym after. He did not want to and I guess on my part I should try to understand as he probably had much to do at home like help his mom prepare for the festive period. It was almost 1am and he called me to do a favor to pay for some minor stuff as he left his internet banking equipment and it couldn't wait till tomorrow. I felt agitated since he didn't want to do me a favor earlier on and now he is only calling me when he need mine. What a selfish bastard right?

Times like this I feel like I deserve better and suddenly listening to his impatient voice over the phone turned a sour tune in me. JADED is how I feel. Sounds like a harsh word but I couldn't find another gentler word that could accurately describe how I feel this moment.

It worries me... the last time I felt this way ...we both felt the same and parted ways. Is there a way to not take each other for granted? Or is it inevitable since we've dated for such a long period? We're are planning to get married at the end of next year and for the very first time it scares me that I might not be ready for fear of what our future might hold. Will we last the test of time?? I wonder how many of you out there experience this. This is so not normal for me :'(