Wednesday, April 9, 2008

::JOJO:: Introducing Princess Kambing

My little white princess,
Primped up to the nines.
Gold coloured bomber
And pinkies to boot!

Warm to the hug,
She comes with a heart.
Press her gently,
The heart goes 'thud-thud'.

This little princess,
She comes with a name.
My 'Princess Kambing!'

::JOJO:: BART's Wedding - King for the day -

It was Sunday and it was my first time officially following through a Malay wedding other than the whole 'sit down and eat' part. Pretty interesting I have to say! It's actually abit like the chinese wedding too when the guy goes to fetch his bride and he has 'roadblocks', which to get pass he or his henchmen has to recite poems and bribe for entry. There were 3 'roadblocks' on this one!!! Haha poor groom...going for broke. It was also really interesting cause he had lots of biker friends so the whole journey to and fro to pick his bride and back, he had like over 50 bikes roaring behind the bridal car!!! Geez, like president or rather in that outfit...Sultan Bart Simpson! haha. Here are the pictures :

Sultan Bart escorted by his trusted right hand man.Riz.
(P.S. Does food testing for poison too *LOL*)

Announcing the arrival of Sultan Bart. Make way please!!!

Sultan Bart bracing himself for the first roadblock.

Looks like a tough one Bartie!! Are you sweating already??

Unscathed!! The 2nd roadblock. Nothing too difficult.

Lil Anikin and his pap following behind Sultan Bart for moral support.

Silat performances for Sultan Bart before he picks up his bride.

Sultan Bart and Queen Ain taking their rightful positions at the throne.

Handling the paparazzi and the audience well with grace.

"You're the best queen Ain!!" I shouted. She peeked at me and smiled!
So down to earth!! LOL!

Song and dance for royalty.

Lil Anikin:" They said there was food, now where's the food!!?!?"

Beware the candyman lil Anikin!!

Yana and mama Nat fussing over the little one. =)

Sultan Bart and Queen Ain arriving at the Sultan's place.

At last, the way they belong. Man, and wife. =)

::JOJO:: Mel mel left for states 31.03.08

Horrible me took picture of a crying girl. Hehe

From left to right: Tessa, Lambchops, Melissa & Yours Truly =D

Group hug!! Francis, Mel, her mum and Mich mich.

The "not yet woken up" look at 7.30am. I look ghastly without my eyeliner :/

"...and everywhere that Mel Mel went, Lambchops was sure to go.."

Aww, we gonna miss you too, hopefully three months would past like a breeze.

Lovey dovey couple. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Cliche but true right?

Lil miss scatterbrain, you better not lose your stuff this time!! LOL