Saturday, March 22, 2008

::JOJO:: Vanessa's Birthday.

It was Vanessa's birthday on Friday so we went out on Thurs night. Bar hopped.. Started out at The Arena which was actually quite pleasant that night =) and then moved on to Cuba Libre and to China one which we spent the most time at and finished at The Pump Room. Dumbass door guard (not even built enuff so I didn't say bouncer) of pump room lied to us and said the bar was closed like we weren't white enough (he was totally racist!) but we just went in anyway and found out the bar was still open! Anyways Vanessa got super high and started skipping around clarke quay LOL. (Yes woman, that was soooo embarassing) but I'll forgive you since it's your birthday.

Bar manager at Cuba Libre, so nice he gave us one free round of drinks cuz it was her bday.

Goofying around..Happy birthday vanessa!!!

Never fail to have fun on a girls' nite out. =D

Sunday, March 16, 2008

:;JOJO:: Painting the town red =D

Simon from Hong Kong / London.

Just random.

Don't know whats his name. Fartie. Lol. he gave a stink bomb that almost knocked us out and did that whole "it wasn't me!" thing. Hahaha =D

Simon fooling ard with Francis' nerd glasses. Just met him that night.

And the girls come out to play....

My bad hair day =/ but that ain't stopping me from partying.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

::JOJO:: Gym day + cry for HELP

This is such a rare occassion that I call myself a gym rat (how fitting I'm a rat by chinese zodiac :P). I went to the gym twice today! (Pat my back pls =) Once in the early noon for my personal training session which was a static training and boxing session today (superbly fun!) and then in the evening for some cardio and weights. Megan fox I'm feeling you..I'm getting closer!lol If this keeps up, I think I'll look like her in 4 months time (alottttt of work to be done!)

On another note, I need to cry for help....Stop me! Stop me from shopping!!! For some reason this month I am totally spinning out of control and going on a shopping frenzy! I bought 2 more dresses today, up from the 2 just last friday. Oh wait...and 1 yesterday and 1 more last saturday..yikes. I am officially going for broke.. (P/S: I haven't included everything else I bought other than the dresses =S )

Notice: Dear friends and kind strangers, poor starving kitten over here looking for generous donations. Pls call or email me for my bank account number so you can transfer me some much needed funds. God bless your kind souls!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

::JOJO:: Random pics 7.3.2008

Almost like a couple. Wearing matching colours too!! (Horrible woman you forgot about me most of the night! Don't forget my 200 bucks. LOL)

Absolutely stoned, but certainly still narcissistic. Haha ;)

Still sober at this point... =D

He took about 10 whole mins to light up the flaming lamborghini . The guy in the background is Steve, nice quiet chap =).

Don't know what went through his mind when he did this! Lol :P Maybe a couple of beers too many!

Can't remember what his name is, Adam's friend. Quirky. Hehe.

The other english Steve. Cute but very flirty!

Ms St. Patrick in line to be China's next empress.

Forever cam-whoring. :P

Saturday, March 8, 2008

::JOJO:: Major Hangover

I'm totally swearing off shooters and alcohol!!! well ok for now. I had like the worst hangover today. I slept for 6 hours and then when I woke up, my head was spinning like someone hit me with a bottle type of... and my stomach was feeling queasy so I thought lots of water would be good so i went right ahead and downed a bottle. Like 10 mins later I started to feel more sick and then I headed to the bathroom, bent over like the unglamorous version of the Merlion and started spilling the sick beans.

Felt absolutely horrible but I was supposed to meet Serene so I didn't want to cancel on her (I hardly cancel on pple last min because its so rude!) We had lunch at Din Tai Fung and I wasn't even in the mood to eat. Like hello anyone?? it's Jo the glutton queen not in the mood for food?!! So anyways, just had soup and 2 Xiao Long Bao and I started to feel a little better. Went to city plaza to fix my hair and I was nauseous the whole cab ride. :/ Once I got off I rushed to the toilet and I didn't even have time to close the door before I started throwing up again. (I can't understand how anorexic or bulimic people can vomit after every meal it's gross!!)

After that I started having phobia of food and water but Serene said OJ might cure the hangover so I had that and I think it worked! Well maybe doing my hair was therapeutic too. Lol. Such a bim I know.

Anyways for all you sweet little people out there who's concerned, the glutton queen is well and fine and her appetite is back to normal! =D

P/S: Will add photos from last night soon!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

::Jojo:: My mortifying experience with a potential Psycho.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Remind me.. why will I NEVER look like MEGAN FOX??? =(
Guess what I had for lunch? 1 filet o fish, strawberry milkshake and 10 chicken nuggets!!! *Proceeds to stick finger in mouth to induce puking... then realise I'll get hungry and eat another 10 more so I stopped.. LOL of course I didnt do that!........* But like seriously, I just have a total problem with laying off the fatty food. Didn't I tell you?? I get orgasmic reactions from looking at food. The more fattening the food the higher chance of an orgasm. LOL!

ANYWAYS! I have to totally blog about this. Something really gross happened to me yesterday! Like totally traumatized. Ok Ok! So I was gonna go home and then i was about to take the escalator down when this dude just cut in front of me as I stepped onto the escalator.. Chink ass of an orh-piang(weird ugly) looking dude with center parted hair (who the f*** does that anymore!)..possibly early 30s, tried having a conversation with me (I think I just died) :

Orh-piang dude: Hi may I know you?
Me: Uh..I don't think so

Orh-piang dude offers his hand for a handshake: I'm Jason, what's your name?
Me reluctantly shook his hand (I'm naturally polite:p):Uh J.

Orh-piang dude: Oh J, maybe I can date you out sometime?
Me hoping this would help: I don't think my boyfriend will like that very much.

Orh-piang dude still doesn't get it!!: Er how bout you give me your number I call you?
Me why the f***ing escalator taking so long to reach the bottom??: I don't think so

Orh-piang dude: Or how bout I give you my number you call me?
Me: That's ok I don't want it
Orh-piang dude:It's ok just key in my number in your phone?
Me: No thanks i won't call you.
Orh-piang dude starts reciting his number: 9xxx x....

Me finally reaches bottom of escalator and made my quick escape!! Thank god he didn't follow or I think I'd just scream or kick him down the next escalator. I felt totally grossed out from shaking his hand. Gawd knows what he touched or did with his hands and I swear I started to feel itchy on my wrist! So I headed straight for the toilet and washed my hands with soap. Hope I killed them germs. EWWWWWWWWW......absolutely mortified.

Why do the cute ones hardly hit on me? Ok fine I know. I'm not that hot. lol. But that's not fair! Guys can think Kelly Osborne is hot??! Like whatever!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

::Jojo:: Movie Critique : Fool's Gold

Synopsis: Newly divorced couple goes treasure hunting. Guy tries to win back girl's heart. Background character includes rich old man and bimbo daughter with the few typical baddies.

Review: 2*/5* "Watch it if you're that bored"

Time not playing a part, watching the movie was just sleep-inducing. Typical chick-flick which needs to be packed with more of everything. Bits of humor hardly tickled hard. Perhaps only worth watching was Matthew McConaughey drool worthy bod.

::Jojo:: Foodie review: Spagheddies @ Paragon

Riz said he'll give me a nice treat if he got 2nd class upper honors for his degree and he did! That was a couple months back so after alot of bugging from lil miss greedy, I finally got that treat yesterday! Totally settled for the wrong place though... here's my review on 'Spagheddies' at Paragon.

Okay so we breeze into the restaurant and asked for a nice booth seat.. we were ushered by a malay floor manager who picked one out and then asked " is this nice enough?" in this slightly sarcastic tone without a smile. (Not very impressed how the f*** did he become a manager huh??) After settling down on the seat, nobody had the intiative to serve us ice water till we asked for it.

Our orders:

Primo Combo
calamari, mozzarella sticks,soft shell crab
Presentation of our appetizer wasn't even that inviting. The mozarella sticks was nothing to rave about. The soft shell crab and calamari was just plain saltish but if anything the homemade tartar was a bit of a saving grace. A borderline satisfaction 5.5/10.

P/S: They need to be educated on the meaning 'appetizer', my salmon main dish actually came before this so I sent it back to the kitchen. Hopefully they didn't spit in it for me being such a fussy b****. :P

Pizza Bianca
Rotisserie chicken, garlic & asiago cheese on alfredo sauce.

The taste is as lack lustre as it looks. It tasted like home-made pizza (in that bad boring way) . I think I can whop up a better version. If anything pleasing, it was only the thin crust that made it easier to digest but I got sick of it after just 2 slices. Tobasco, parmesan cheese and chilli flakes didn't do much to spice up the taste. A disappointing 4.5/10.

Salmon with Red Wine-Olive Butter
Grilled, garnished with seasonal vegetables & roasted red skin potatoes.

Does it even look appetizing?!?!
In the search for the perfectly grilled / baked salmon , I was greeted with further disappointment. The salmon was overcooked (perhaps due to me sending it back to the kitchen earlier on), the potatoes were tasteless, the broccoli and mushrooms ? Mediocre. A devastating 2/10.

Needless to say, we didn't order desserts. The choices were limited and I wasn't ready for another 'setback'. I think we spent enough on lousy food.

I would render the whole dining experience as truly forgettable. Perhaps the only thing I'll remember is never to eat there again?!?!? Entering eating depression state. Riz: Thanks for the treat! Not your fault that it was bad!

Random pictures for the rest of the evening:

Our best efforts to look like we were enjoying our food @_@.

At Cosmo outside Wisma Atria.

Watching the world go by ..

Riz 'act cute'. Can't stand his dimples.

After a few beers, cam-whoring.. .....